FAQ About Individual and Couples Counselling and Psychotherapy
What is the difference between Psychotherapy and Counselling?
The main difference is in the length and depth of training and experience of therapist and in the depth of work that can be undertaken.
Length of a session
Individual and Relationship (couples or multiple partners) Psychotherapy session lasts 50 minutes
Length of supervision can be agreed at the beginning and reviewed regularly. I do not offer supervision shorter then 60 minutes. The usual time is 60 or 90 minutes.
Group Supervision lasts 2 hours.
How often will I be expected to attend, and for how long?
For therapy to be effective, I would recommend regular weekly sessions.
We would agree together to the day and time of your sessions. It mostly depends on your presentation and what you would like to change.
During the first session, we will agree on the length of your contract. You can have a short term six or fifteen sessions contract with the possibility to review the agreement or a long-term, open-ended contract.
Do you offer therapy online?
I offer individual and relationship (couples) Psychotherapy sessions online, through Zoom, whereby or psychology today.
For relationship therapy all partners need to be present, minimum two. I reserve the right to switch off the camera and microphone until everyone is present.
Do you offer therapy in person?
Yes, I have limited availability for in person therapy. The sessions are on Wednesdays evenings in the Eyton House, Central Street, Leeds LS1 2RU
Do you offer walk and talk therapy?
Yes, I offer walk and talk therapy in different places in Leeds and around. We can discuss the location. For more information, please feel free to contact me.
Fees, payment and cancellation
Individual costs starts at £65.00
Couples costs starts at £80.00
Supervision starts at £65 for 60 minutes, £97.50 for 90 minutes.
You can pay by bank transfer.
Cancellations and missed sessions
You can cancel your session without needing to pay, one week in advance, and for no longer than two weeks at a time. I don’t have a limit to how many times; you want to take breaks. However, if you need to take a longer break, please let me know and we can discuss this in more details, but I may not be able to keep your day/ time open for you.
I keep strict confidentiality in line with the BACP Ethical Framework for Counselling Professions 2018 https://www.bacp.co.uk/media/3103/bacp-ethical-framework-for-the-counselling-professions-2018.pdf which includes boundaries and limits to confidentiality in certain situations:
If I believe you are in danger of harming yourself or others, or that a child is at risk, I reserve the right to inform outside agencies but would not do, wherever possible, without discussing this with you first.
If you shared anything with me that made me believe that your life is at risk, I will explore with you additional support and you might need to access additional support to continue therapy with me. If this happens, we will discuss this in more detail in our session.
If you disclose information about money laundering or terrorist offences, I have a professional obligation to tell outside agencies with or without informing you first.
It is important to let me know if you are involved with a Criminal Prosecution Service, or planning to report a criminal activity against you in the future. I will offer you emotional support in this case, but there are things we will need to consider first. If this is a case, please enquire.
Working online offers additional limitations to confidentiality. As sessions are being offered on Whereby, please visit https://whereby.com/information/tos/privacy-policy/ for information regarding how Whereby processes’ media (audio/video).
Confidentiality During Relationship Psychotherapy
All the above applies to the relationship psychotherapy.
As the relationship will be the focus of therapy, all the information will be shared with both (or more) members this includes:
all correspondence (it is always helpful to contact me with your partner contact details)
I will not be able to carry session or speak to you individually, to protect the confidentiality of Relationship Therapy and to develop and maintain trust.
Information storing
I am registered with the ICO - Information Commissioner’s Office and I follow the GDPR 2018, for more information please see below. https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/
I keep basic, anonymized, confidential case notes of our sessions in line with BACP and GDPR without any identifiable information attached to them.
I keep your details: name, telephone number and email address securely and use to contact you to book our appointments.
I keep dates of our sessions and your payments, which are recorded on my bank statements. The bank statements are kept confidential and will only be shared with the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for tax purpose if requested.
I will keep your case notes and personal details for three years after the sessions ended in line with BACP and insurance policy.
You may ask me to delete your case notes or to see them. However, I may have to keep some of your information in line with my insurance policy
Why do I need your GP contact details?
I need your GP contact details in case of an emergency or if you told me that you have the intention to kill yourself. I will not contact your GP or talk to them if approached unless you told me that your life is in danger. In such a case, I will always prefer that you have contacted your GP yourself. However, in some circumstances, such as when you are in danger while talking to me and unable to contact support yourself, I will contact your GP after talking to you first. I will let them know about your intention to kill yourself so you can receive additional support. In such rare circumstances, if this happens, I would not disclose any other information about you, including your reasons for seeking therapy.
What would happen in an emergency?
If your life was in danger during our call, if possible, I would encourage you to contact support, or emergency services while on the call with you. However, if this will not be possible, I reserve the rights to contact your GP or emergency services, whichever is more appropriate. For that reason, it would be helpful for me to have your address.
Emergency During Relationship Psychotherapy if one partner was in serious danger, I would always encourage the other person to contact GP, or emergency services. I would be happy to support you both during the process. However, if I think that there is a serious risk I reserve the right to alert the appropriate emergency service.
Do you have Supervision?
I monitor my practice by attending regular Supervision and I am committed to my self-development. There are times where aspects of our sessions will be taken to supervision to monitor my practice. My supervisor is also committed to our contracted confidentiality.
What to do if you have a complaint?
If you are not satisfied with any aspects of the session or how therapy progresses, please feel free to talk to me. We could then look at this together, and I will look at ways to resolve it. If the difficulty is related to my theoretical approach, I will talk to you about this first, and we can explore other options, including changing the therapist.
You are welcomed to contact Ask Kathleen service’ where you can discuss any concerns you have at: www.bacp.co.uk/about-therapy/ask-kathleen.
If you would like to raise a concern or make a complaint against me you are welcomed to contact the BACP’s Professional Conduct Procedure, which can be found and downloaded at: www.bacp.co.uk/about-us/protecting-the-public/professional-conduct/professional-conduct-complaints-procedure